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The Blue Lagoon is now MY FAVORITE geothermal spa (ok I've not been to many but it is also MY FAVORITE Spa pushing Negombo on the island of Ischia into second place). Our bodies were treated to soft warm waters and white silica face masks leaving us feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. The lagoon is a beautiful milky blue color (from the silica) and the mud at the bottom of the lagoon has a very smooth silky texture. Its like being hugged by a cloud or marshmallow. You walk slowly throughout the lagoon in a cloud of steam while your face is being pummeled by sleet or snow, and arctic air; however, we were first greeted by the early morning sun at 11am, which seems to be rare here (sunrise is 10:20). Truly a heavenly experience. As if it already was the best spa ever, it had a walk up bar. Life is good.

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  • Laurie Hull

Despite very little to no sleep, we had a full day in Reykjavík. Bus tour of the city and walked the shopping district. The city is full of diverse restaurants, cafes and bars. The architecture is simple and mostly modern with occasional condos of color in European style. The weather is extreme with 29 mile an hour winds, occasional rain and snow. Temperatures in the low 30s. The most striking character of the city comes from their people. Always laughing or joking or just agreeing with your take on the city. so easy going, friendly and genuinely happy. Janice and I rewarded ourselves with Napoliatana pizza and wine. A beautiful day in the land of puffy coats, rubber boots and puffins.

We saw the Hofdi House (whitehouse) where in 1986 Presidents Reagan and Gorbachev met to end the cold war. Lets get Biden and Putin there now.

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  • Laurie Hull

We made it to Iceland. Tired and checked-in the hotel. Rainy, windy and snow this afternoon. Sunrise is 10:21am. Really? Guess I'll nap before sunrise. more to come.

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