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Great day at a very nice resort where we can relax and feel clean. The accomodations, staff and food were excellent. And best of all, its right on the Nile.

Infinity pool on the Nile.

Newly opened Avenue of Sphinxes, Luxor by night. Hardly any people so I had a chance to just really absorb the Luxor Temple and walkway of sphinxes.

Third PCR test for this trip so far for our flight to Cyprus on the 23rd. They come to the hotel here. So easy.

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  • Laurie Hull

The morning started out very early with a 4am wakeup call because we were suppose to have a balloon ride over the ancient ruins of Luxor. However, there was too much wind so it was cancelled at around 7am. From 4 to 7:30am we had the pleasure of waiting for a little mini bus, picking up others, then a little boat ride across the Nile which was entertaining in itself. The boat driver was trying to start his Suzuki boat engine repeatedly with a recoil pull start, each time shoving his butt right into Paul’s face almost knocking Paul’s hot coffee out of hands and potentially right in my lap. Finally after 10 pulls we are off across the river.

Visited many temples this day. First the Hatshepsut (or as the guide calls it - chicken soup) Temple, then the Valley of the Kings with its 63 tombs for the pharaohs and nobles of the New Kingdom from the 16th to the 11th century BC. We went into the tombs of Merenptah, Rameses III and the IX, and King Amenmesse and saw very detailed and well preserved hieroglyphics. All this was carved in hard limestone rock in a large dry and rocky valley with no vegetation. This is also where they found the tomb of King Tut (Tutankhamun) in the 1920’s. Excavation continues today, so they will no doubt find more tombs.

The day continued with several temple visits. It really was too much for one day as we had Luxor Temple added from the day prior because our cruise coming into port too late.

Also visited the Luxor Temple and Karnak Temple.

My name in hieroglyphics

Hatshepsut Temple

Valley of the Kings tombs

Luxor Temple and the New Avenue of Sphinxes

Karnak Temple

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This day we went to the Horus Temple at Edfu by horse and carriage then relaxed on board the boat all day on the way to Luxor. The best part was seeing the local villages we we slowly made our way down the Nile (Nile flows from South to North).

The horse and carriage convoy of tourists was quite the scene (see video). On the way back to the boat, the carriage wheel ran into and got stuck in the temple gate. The driver pulled the wheel out and in a few minutes we were off to the races back to the boat.

Vendors selling their scarves next to our cruise ship.

Our ship was very lively with a girls school trip.

Vendors risking their lives

Imagine having to do laundry in the river.

Nile River village scenes

Horus Temple, Edfu

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