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  • Laurie Hull

Abu Simbel Temples built for King Ramesses the 2nd and Queen Nefertari. Three and a half hour drive each way making for a very long day. The cruise ship was not great, but meeting people from other countries was interesting as always.

Temple of Kom Ombo duel temple of Sabeck, the crocodile God and Horus, the falcon God at night.

Cruise to Edfu at night.

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  • Laurie Hull

Headed down to Aswan by plane to start our three night cruise on the Nile. View of the Nile from the airplane.

Temple of Philae, Graeco Roman Temple dedicated to the goddess Isis.

Aswan High Dam

City sites

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Today more pyramids in Sakkara, Memphis and Dahshur. Tomorrow we head to Aswan and a three night cruise.

Dahshur Pyramid was actually an engineering mistake, hence the strange shape.

Inside the Sakkara Tomb. Incredible inscriptions.

More of Sakkara

The better made Dahshur Pyramid

Dahshur and Memphis

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