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Impressions of Egypt

Laurie Hull

Here are some random observations and impressions of Egypt.

-Rich in antiquities but the people are poor

-French built the Suez Canal, Russians build the Nile Dam and China is building a huge solar farm

-Hassled and harassed by hawkers and pretty much all workers, for on-line reviews or tips

-calls to Prayer but don't see anyone praying

-very inconsistent processes from the making of cappuccinos in the hotel to airport security

-security check points and Police everywhere

-good food but not award winning

-lots of white bread

-guides cannot deviate from the plan

-country dusty and dry

-very poor people especially in the villages

-alot of unfinished construction so they don't have to pay taxes or they may be waiting for future family growth

I really enjoyed Egypt but liked the people more in Jordan. In Egypt the people seemed more artificial. The antiquities of Egypt are amazing but I would have liked to savor it more and get deeper into the history. There was so much there that it was hard to digest, and the facts started melting all together. There is so much yet to be discovered and excavated. Thanks to the help of foreigners, they already have so much to show the world.

The Giza Pyramids and Petra have always been exotic places I just had to see. Now I replace that desire with amazing memories and a heightened curiosity to learn even more about their history. What was life like back then? What were their customs? How does it relate to how we live now? This is what I love about travel - it is an activity that keeps on giving and opens the mind.

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