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Antartica: Penguins, Penguins and More Penguins

Laurie Hull

Most people couldn’t wait to see the penguins, but I was initially drawn more to the icebergs and landscapes.  Of course that changed once I got to see the penguins in their natural environment, and we saw a lot of them for me to relish in their comical nature on land as it was the season of love for the penguins, and their mating rituals and nest-building were in full swing. These fascinating birds, living in large colonies, had unique ways of preparing for their offspring. They use their droppings to melt snow and create nesting sites, exchange rocks and feathers as gifts, and tirelessly climb and trip up steep snowy hills to a secure and nesting spot. Their mating calls could be heard within the walls of the snowy hills making this a unique season to witness.  In addition to penguins, I relished in seeing seals, birds and whales through my lens.


Chinstrap Penguins
Chinstrap Penguins
Gentoo Penguins
Gentoo Penguins

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