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  • Laurie Hull

Cheerio Mate: Farewell Australia

Already three weeks into my six-week trip, my mind struggles to grasp the quick passing of time, while my body feels the changes in routine: the varying beds, the weight of a heavy daypack on my pour shoulders and neck, the indulgence of more sweets, and the contortions required during activities like snorkeling. Yet, I wouldn't change a thing and embrace every ache, pain, and bruise as a badge of courage and a sign that I am alive. I'm so grateful for the strength training I focused on last year, preparing me for the physical challenges of travel.

Australia proved to be an astonishing and indescribable experience. The locals radiate warmth, respect, and politeness, with the service industry in particular, kind and accommodating, always giving me a heartfelt "thank you." From airport security to everyday encounters, their charming inflections and casual "No Worries" attitude left a lasting impression. And the wildlife! While I've seen many creatures over the years, Australia's array of unique species, including kangaroos, cassowaries, Tasmanian Devils, and wombats, left me in awe.

I've added new words like "gumpy" (foolish), "laneway" (alley), and "ratbags" (self-explanatory) to my vocabulary. I remind myself to observe, learn, and actively participate without imposing my own customs, understanding that tipping practices, for example, vary across cultures. My goal is to leave a zero footprint but a positive impression. Amidst nature's boundless beauty, I'm reminded that she's the boss.  My solo travels have reinforced the notion that the world is filled with friendly, kind, and open-hearted people. I'm never truly alone, surrounded by companionship and camaraderie. A simple smile and conversation have the power to connect hearts and minds. I cherish the sisterhood of fellow solo female travelers, finding inspiration in their journeys and courage - a few mature women on sabaticles from work. Realizing I need less material possessions, I embrace the role of a "story gatherer," weaving dreams and memories with every step, and missstep. This is the essence of why I travel.



Such a delight reconnecting with Suzzane and Simon in Brisbane! We were neighbors in Wiesbaden (they hail from Australia and were there for her job), and it's been seven years since we last saw each other. It's incredible how easily we could just pick up where we left off, only this time with Australian wine.  I couldn’t think of a better way to spend one night in Brisbane.

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Lee Hull
Lee Hull
Mar 16


I know I'm stating the obvious here, but it looks like you're enjoying your trip! Your photos are beautiful and I sure enjoy the narratives. I just wish we could be there too.

Laurie Hull
Mar 27
Replying to

I wish you and Kristie could be here too. You would love the landscapes and outdoor activities. Truly amazing.


Terri Mock Hyman
Terri Mock Hyman
Mar 16

This is a beautiful picture of you Laurie - it catches your carefree essence!

Laurie Hull
Mar 27
Replying to

Thank you Terri.

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