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Best Little Barn in Reno

Laurie Hull

Welcome to the Best Little Barn in the Biggest Little City in the World – Reno, Nevada. While on a week-long visit with in-laws I was treated to Spring in full bloom, giving me the opportunity to experience the season twice this year. I stayed with my brother and sister-in-law who now have a cute little barn to go with their hobby farm complete with two miniature horses, Dozer and Tidbit, chickens, and a baby zebra on the way. If I had a barn, this would be the one for me. It is cozy, yet clearly a functioning barn with hay, grain and animal sounds and smells. By the end of the week my jeans could stand up on their own from the scent and saliva (smoodgies) of six dogs and two horses. Fortunately that list did not include a bear. Two nights in a row a bear rummaged through the “bear-proof” trash container just outside the garage door. We are not in Arlington anymore.

It was very nice visit with family including my 92 year old mother-in-law (doing well) with good eats, drinks and a little gambling. So happy to have the opportunity to visit a friend I knew as a child while living in Okinawa. Now she is a mother herself with a beautiful baby daughter. Her new home and lifestyle offered me pure joy. To top it off, she proudly displayed a stained glass pegasus horse Steve made for her while in Hawaii.

Random kindness. On my way to the airport we stopped for a latte at my favorite bakery, Perenn at Rancharrah. There was a long line so I chatted it up with a lady standing next to me (Judy), who just happen to have gone to school in Madison, WI. Upon leaving she hands me a huge mouthwatering pastry for my trip. I love these random acts of kindness from strangers.

Very different world from Arlington, VA

Natural Beauty with open skies and clouds that go on forever

A glass a wine to break in the new barn. Dozer showing off

A cup of Joe Reno style. Steve's stained glass and my niece Siera.

Animal love. My mother and siter-in-law in their zone.

Such a little beggar

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