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  • Laurie Hull

Hurry up before the river dries up - Cologne

Apparently the Rhein River is at its lowest level of water since 2007, which means our itinerary is changing drastically. Each day the ship's captain races the ship further up river in search of deeper waters. What that means is that we then get bussed to our modified destinations which has not been fun. Adding to it all are the high temperatures now in the high 90's. Oh well, one must stay flexible. We are still having fun seeing the sites, meeting new people and eating very well. 


In the afternoon at the highest temperatures of the day we hiked up to the Marksburg Castle in Braubach. Beautiful setting and interesting history.  It wasn’t as grueling as I thought it would be but some people struggled with the heat and incline.


Fortunately the ship picked us up close by and now we are on our way to Mainz, my old stomping grounds. The evening was perfect as we sailed up the Rhein admiring castle after castle while sipping a fine riesling.


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Lee Hull
Lee Hull
Jul 21, 2022

It sure is beautiful, have fun and stay cool.

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