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  • Laurie Hull

Wild and Wonderful Scotland

Updated: Jan 20, 2023

Now for the next phase of the trip with my sista Lisa!!! What a week. We rented a car (drove on the left side of small roads with lots of pullouts and pot holes) and set out for quite the adventurous week with gale force winds, rain, sunshine and rainbows, and lots of sheep! Also enjoyed the local seafood, gin and whisky - they make some of the best here after all. And to make it the perfect week, we had plenty of fun pub time with live music. Scotland is just gorgeous with majestic mountains, waterfalls, green and gold pastures, and rugged beauty. Topping if all was sharing it all with my sister.

I'll let the photos and videos tell the story.




They were celebrating Halloween while I was there. Made this video from a ghost tour I took. We were at an old church cemetery.

I had a rough train ride from Liverpool to Edinburgh. There was a train strike so I crammed into a train with enough passengers for three trains. I ended up sitting on luggage in the entrance area and later just sat on the floor with two other nice young ladies next to the bathroom. Not a fun 3.5 hours, but all part of the adventure. I did have a reserved seat originally. Oh well.



Nature park along the way

I have a thing for plaid and there was plaid everywhere in Scotland

Like to live pub music


Portree in the Isle of Skye - the absolute best!


Gale force winds:



We went to Oban just to meet these two men at Table No. 7 at the Oban Inn. We never met them before, but Lisa's friend asked that we look them up if in the area. Lisa's friend also hadn't known them prior to finding them at this pub, because her friend was also asked to look them up if in town by another friend. These men were flabbergast that yet a third group of girls from Fond du Lac came to see them at this pub. It was a hoot! We couldn't talk to Tiny and Neil much because they were upstairs playing Quiz (some kind of competitive group trivia game), while we were downstairs livin it up with live music and a packed pub.

Now let's pass it on. If anyone who reads this blog is near Oban, Scotland, please look up these two men (Tiny and Neil) and buy them a beer. Table 7 Oban Inn.

Love the music and dance:

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Dean Koepp
Dean Koepp
Nov 04, 2022

Your shots of northern Scotland were excellent, looks sunny amidst the steep and rocky hillsides, and many resident sheep, of course.


Lee Hull
Lee Hull
Nov 03, 2022

You were right, beautiful and wild looking countryside. Sounds like you had a great time!

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