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  • Laurie Hull

Sky Lagoon - the natural spa

Although our Southern Iceland tour was rescheduled, we were not disappointed walking the town, going to the art and photography museums, and eating the BEST cinnamon buns ever. However, the highlight of the day was the other hot springs spa named Sky Lagoon. OMG absolutely fantastic! You start with a seven step ritual of cold pool, sauna, cool mist, special salts and oil for the skin, and finally a wonderful steam sauna. After we lounge in the hot waters of an outdoor natural rock lagoon with infinity pool looking out over the North Atlantic Ocean. We meet up with others we met days prior at the Blue Lagoon and enjoy lively conversation and some sparkling wine. Now I don't know which spa is the best - both are tied for No. 1. We are two lucky ladies. I think we need to come back if anything, for the spas.

Our Northern Lights boat tour was cancelled for a third time. The weather is so unpredictable here.

We finish the day at the Fish Market for some delicious and fresh Halibut.

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